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Qui sont les Halasians ?

Les Halasians sont de grands et robustes humains du climat glacé d'Everfrost au nord-ouest d'Antonica. Ils ont une culture guerrière, qui valorise les prouesses et exploits de force martiale, et ont gagné la réputation d'être des guerriers redoutables et qualifiés. Ils ne se soucient généralement pas du confort, préférant la simplicité fonctionnelle dans leurs conceptions. Un Halasian apprécie des décorations mineures dans leur architecture, et ornera souvent ses bâtiments et le mobilier avec des fourrures, cornes, griffes, et des gravures.

Qu'est-ce que Halas ?

Halasians were a nomadic people for most of their history, never really building cities in the region they controlled (all of Everfrost). And while they are still mostly nomadic today, they have one major city, Halas, which was constructed to help them fight off particularly strong outside threats.

Most Halasians still roam the wild terrain of Everfrost in their separate tribes, but all respect Halas as their communal city—the one place they can all live together in relative peace. The city is ruled by a council of tribe leaders, with a single Jarl as an overseeing arbiter.

The city is located in a valley surrounded by mountains. The distant mountain passes are blocked be individual gates, and the entire extensive valley is considered to be a part of the city of Halas.

The most central part of the city is the Old Town district, which was constructed when Halas was first founded. It is located on the ice-covered island in the valley’s central lake—the most defensible position. The buildings here tend to be rougher, but still follow most of the same designs, especially the longhouse design. Living here is considered prestigious, as many families who live in this area can trace their lineage back to the founding of the city, and live in the houses built by their ancestors so many years ago. This is also where the most important communal longhouses are located, for government/community business.

The borders of Halas are not clearly defined, and the city has outgrown the island. Many buildings and suburbs are located around the lake’s edge, extending into the valley in different directions. The structures are less dense as it spreads out. The craftsmanship here is more modern, and employs many of the techniques learned by the Halasians through years of practicing their arts. This is also the area better suited to support visitors, complete with inns and streets lined with shops.

The most prominent area outside of Old Town is the High District. The House of Elders is found here, as well as the main market and Hall of Ancestors.


Les Halasians ont vécu dans le rude climat d'Everfrost depuis des générations, et ont construit leur ville avec des matériaux lourds et solides destinés à tenir vaillamment contre les éléments du froid du nord. L'apparence de l'architecture Halasiane est inspirée par le style de construction nordique, avec quelques influences gaéliques dans sa personnalité et son esthétique. Les bâtiments ont de grandes portes et fenêtres, et sont ornés de motifs complexes et d'imagerie animale. Leurs bâtiments sont construits en bois épais avec d'épaisses bases en pierre, et des toits pentus. Ils ont tendance à être longs plutôt que hauts, la longère étant l'idée de base dont est tirée la plupart de leurs constructions - ce qui les aide à se donner plus d'espace et à se protéger contre la neige, les blizzards, et des vents d'Everfrost.

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