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{{Landmark Item Data
|iddeleted= Shaman's SickleNon |date= 2014-/12-/17 |updated= 2014-/12-/17 |nameid= Shaman's Sickle |name fr= |category= Shaman's Sickle |subcategory= |theme= |set= |description= Allows harvesting of plants up to Tier Rating 5. |description frcategory= Sickle |commenttier= 5 |comment fressence= Primal Essence |qualityaspect= |tier= 5Aspect of Gathering |abilities= Reap |harvesting damage= 0 |harvesting speed= 0 |harvesting size= 0 |name fr=|description fr=|comment fr=}}<noinclude>{{Article principal|{{#var:id}}}} [[Catégorie:Landmark Item Data]]</noinclude>