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{{Landmark Item Data
|iddeleted= Moonstone Non |date= 2014-/04-/11 |nameicon= Icon props Biome Generic Loot Gemstone Moonstone Loot01 256.png |name frid= Pierre de lune Moonstone |categorybasename= Gemstone Moonstone |subcategoryname= Raw Moonstone |category fr= |description= A smoky blue gemstone with a gleam of silvery light occasionally found at the end of underground on tier 4 islands. It is sometimes paired with etherium veins.|comment=Tier 6 Raw Rare Gemstone|category=Gemstone |description frsubcategory= Resource |quality= Superior |harvesting damagetier=6|name fr=Pierre de lune|category fr=|description fr= |harvesting damage min= |harvesting damage max= |harvesting speed= |harvesting speed min= |harvesting speed max= |harvesting size= |harvesting size min= |harvesting size max= |tier= 6 }}<noinclude>{{Article principal|{{#var:id}}}} [[Catégorie:Landmark Item Data]]</noinclude>