|deleted= Non|date= 2015/01/27|updated= 20152016/0103/2721|idicon= Feet-Boots of Bounding.png|nameid= Boots of Bounding|basenamename= Boots of Bounding|description= Hold These boots imbue the activation button to charge this ability, performing a powerful jump when released or after 4 seconds of charging. The longer you charge wearer with the ability, the farther you to leap, up to a cap that is reached after 1.25 secondsvast distance.|comment= Right click to equip.|categoryname fr=Bottes de saut|description fr= FeetCes bottes octroient au porteur la possibilité de sauter d'énormes distances.|qualitysupercategory=SuperiorGear|tiercategory= 1Feet