742 octets ajoutés,
26 novembre 2014 à 18:07 <!-- Import depuis la base de données, ne pas éditer à la main -->
{{Landmark Item Data
|id= Traveler's Grappling Hook
|date= 2014-11-26
|name= Traveler's Grappling Hook
|name fr=
|category= Grappling Hook
|category fr=
|description= This basic grappling hook will help you navigate caves, but doesn't compare to more advanced models. Equip to gain grapple ability.
|description fr=
|harvesting damage=
|harvesting damage min=
|harvesting damage max=
|harvesting speed=
|harvesting speed min=
|harvesting speed max=
|harvesting size=
|harvesting size min=
|harvesting size max=
}}<noinclude>[[Catégorie:Landmark Item Data]]</noinclude>