<!-- Import depuis la base de données, ne pas éditer à la main -->
{{Landmark Item Data
|id= Small Lantern |date= 2014-04-11 |updated= |name= Small Lantern |name fr= Small Lantern |category= Prop |subcategory= Lightsource |category frtheme= Human
|description= This small lantern provides your claim with a weak, but pleasent source of light.
|description fr=
|comment fr=
|harvesting damage=
|harvesting damage min=
|harvesting damage max=
|harvesting speed=
|harvesting speed min=
|harvesting speed max=
|harvesting size=
|harvesting size min=
|harvesting size max=
}}<noinclude>{{Article principal|{{#var:id}}}} [[Catégorie:Landmark Item Data]]</noinclude>